
Mar 09, 2005 07:43

Hello all..

Well it's been an interesting few days to say the least..

Sunday.. Kev met up with me at Buffalo and then we went to Bayshore.. while at Bayshore i acquired some super hot, but super expensive :S, jeans.. they're Parasuco.. and they're beautiful.. no more clothing for me for a while after that purchase!! then we went back to my house for a bit and decided to go out for dinner.. Kev had seen Amanda walking to work (Pizza Hut) so we decided to go there and pay her a visit.. had some pizza.. got some discount.. it was good...

then Amanda asked if we wanted to come with her to Walkley bowl cuz Jamie was working.. and bowl for free... so we decided why not.. we didn't really have anything planned anyways.. so we went and had a good time even though i SUPREMELY suck at bowling, big time.

Monday morning.. woke up.. pretty much dead.. I've had this cold thing for about a month.. that seems to rotate between sore throat, achy chest, stuffy nose and upset stomach. Well Monday it decided to stop rotating and be all of those symptoms.. fun times for me.. luckily my mommy was home because they're installing the new fireplace so she was able to not let me go to class and force me to stay home.. she also made me some homemade chicken soup which was pretty sweet..

I felt really bad because I didn't get to see Kev :( He called in the afternoon to see what was going on.. and instructed me to turn off my laptop and get some rest instead of doing schoolwork.. see problem is.. i was already behind.. now im behind in soc too.. its bad news bears i tells ya...

Tuesday.. was determined to go to school.. so i went to FYSM.. by the time i got back to my car i was having trouble breathing.. so i decided it would be best for me to go home and forget about going to religion.. :S Another day spent in bed and getting behind in school.. i did however manage to organize all my rugby stuff so all that is done.. and i wrote one journal for philosophy.. kevin called me a couple times to check up on me... he's such a sweetheart!! :)

Today... my plan is to go get Kev.. go to le doctor... take him to get his haircut.. and hopefully come back home and rest some more... get some work done maybe.. if im lucky.. i'm just hoping that there is some way for kevin to come over here today and take care of me without my having to drive him home later.. cuz god knows how i'll be feeling at that point..

Anywho.. i should go get ready to head out.. hopefully i'll be feeling better by the end of the day!

Oooh! on the upside I got an 89 on my religion paper which is SWEEEEEEEEEEET!!!!
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