Hiking and Photos

May 02, 2009 11:18

     I have an A(+) in both my classes and i am living rent-free with fantastic roommates. Even after looking over this glorious fact, i find that i am not happy. I feel stagnant but I just don't know what to do. I cant hang out with old friends because i have surpassed them in maturity level and i dont want to make new mature friends because they all seem stuck up or way too easily displeased. However, i have found that i have a friend who is both laid-back and mature and happens to be in my same position. We have come to an idea. We were talking about maybe we needed a hobby but i dont want to fall back on any of my old hobbies and same or him. There is one hobby that he wants to pick up (hiking) and one hobby that i would like to go back to (photography) thus we have decided to put them together. Every free wednesday we are going to go for a hike and i will take pictures, after that we will be going back to his place to watch a movie i have not seen but aparently must.
      Aside from that, i have dropped one of my closer female friends. She only comes to me when she needs help and then stays until i am aparently a bad friend. It largely damages my self-esteem to be called a bad friend so often even if it's for the silliest things. This last thing that is making me drop her as my friend is that i invited her to a friend's party but said she could not bring her boyfriend because it was a just friends thing. She get's pissed starts acting very childish and tells me i am immature anda bad friend. This has to stop and to be completely honest i really do not think i want someone like that in my life. I have come to the conclusion that she is nothing but a hindrance andi am done.
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