Why ask Why?

Apr 26, 2009 14:25

     So as you already know, I play a game called World Of Warcraft. Some very interesting things happen in this game for instance: many people have been hunting female orcs for no seen reason. The only answers i have gotten from this are "why ask why?" and "they taste good". Now i'm no expert but i am pretty sure you cannot "eat" other players and since cybering is out that leaves only two things left: either there is some easter achievment where you can turn someone specific into chocolate OR people have gone crazy. I am hoping that it's the latter because that is just more entertaining.
     On the side of real people and real life, My doggie no longer has to take any medication and her surgery went fantastic; however the inscision seems to be a bit swolen so we might be taking her to be looked at soon. I have a week left of my medication and my kitty has about 10 days left of his. Things are still on track and doing fine.
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