Watch Tomorrow if you are interested. I am wearing my favorite shoes in it. Kim is wearing nothing at all which should come as no surprise. And to add to the hotness factor, Eggy is in it. He's on Tasha's amp. I really wanted to be in the pillow fighting scene with Tasha so I could suffocate her and finally have Louise all to myself but the director would not allow it. Anyway I usually hate everything we do but I like the video a lot. I think it has something to do with the fact I'm not wearing neon pink nail polish.
I did not want to move when I woke up yesterday but that is what happens when you wake up next to your favorite person in the world. I love the moments when we can just lay there and he will play with my hair or help me devise plans to kill off half of the world. I find violence to be especially romantic. I hope he appreciates that I wash my hair especially for him. I hate when fans hug me. I hate when anyone hugs me. I don't know. I just hate any kind of affection but I always want his arm around my waist or his hand in mine. Because I always want that, it's just another reminder of how in love with him I am. Now I will talk about what he bought me for my birthday.
LOOK!!!!!!! I don't know what to name it. Tasha suggested I name it after Taylor Hanson but I think that is too creepy, even for me.
In other news, I am semi-obsessed with Newlyweds just like I am with every other reality show. I shouldn't even have to explain why. I was excited to see us on it even if it was only for a second. I wish I had gotten the chance to meet Jessica Simpson this summer so I could've asked her if Tasha is really her sister and not mine. I mean it would make sense. This turned into a "I love my boyfriend but I hate my sister" update but doesn't that always happen