Apr 16, 2010 15:03
If you pay attention to me on facebook, you'll know that Forrest's grandmother died last week. The funeral stuff is all out of the way, and although it's sad, it's better. She was not living a life that was worth living at the end. She had very bad dementia and her physical health was failing.
An unexpected benefit from her passing? I get to quit my job. Seriously. We were advised yesterday that we could move into her house and just keep up on the property taxes (like $1800 a year) and homeowners insurance (something like $400 a year). That's less than we're paying for two months of rent now, but it's for an entire year. Sure the house is smaller than I'd like, but I get to stay home with the babies, and for that I'll deal.
Me? A stay at home mom? In a few very short months, it will be a reality...
The present, however, has me ill as hell with the cold/allergy/whatever the hell it is mess that has me up all night coughing. I've been sick for the last 3 weeks or so. I'm giving in this afternoon and going to Patient First. If I don't I think Forrest is going to drag me there by my hair.