Jan 28, 2007 21:51
Tonight I'm suprisingly giddy for Jake and Josh to come home!! I didn't think I would get overworked and tired enough one night to get this excited. They're returning so SOON!! TALK ABOUT AFRICA!!! I can't WAIT!!! Beach Trip maybe!!! EEEEE!!
[To Jake Gano: Jake and Josh are two of my nursing drinking buddies who have been spending the past month in Africa doing what I want to do when I graduate. That and I love them and have been forced to miss them all month because my really good friend, Erin, is Jake's gf and loves him more and has talked about him all month. But now it's so close!!! Meaning Wednesday night. We'll go for drinks and eats and hugs. And I love those three things more than most things. And then I have my beach house. So we, and/or whomever really, can spend three great days eating, drinking and hugging at the beach. So much good things before the school year. Which starts next Monday. By the way.]
[To readers of LJ: I ran into Jake the other night and he demands that I post an explanatory blurb about who and what I'm talking about when I'm being vague. Hence the paragraph preceeding this one.]