Apr 24, 2005 22:43
Okay so my sister has had two crazy days.. so crazy that I have decided to share..
Thursday she was walking home from class in Ann Arbor. ( She is in dental school and it was her last day before they get a week off, and then go back until the end of June. ) So she walks home everyday, and she decides to take a different way. She is talking to her boyfriend Andy on the phone and carrying her purse down by her side. This 6'5" man of African decent walks up next to her and snags her purse out of her hands. ( For the record my sister is 5'3" and weighs 110 pounds. ) So my sister starts running ( in flip flops after ) after this guy! She is screaming ( Excuse my language.. ) " GIVE ME MY FUCKING PURSE!!! TAKE THE MONEY JUST GIVE ME MY FUCKING PURSE!!! IM FUCKING PISSED!!" So she runs past about 5 houses, and follows him down a drive way, then he jumps over some kind of fence thing.. and Katie walks back up the drive way pissed off. When she gets up to the front of the drive way, she finds the man pinned on the ground by a guy that lives in one of the houses she ran past, and a construction worker. The cops came and took him to jail and she is pressing charges.
Friday she went to Europe. So if she would not have got her purse back she would not have been able to go without her drivers license and everything.
Friday she arrives in Europe ( Rome to be exact. ) She is ridding the subway to her hotel from the airport. There are all kids of little girls running around screaming. She is with her friend Megan, Matt, and Lom. So they are standing there and this lady starts pointing at Megan and says, " Your Purse Your Purse!!" Megan looks in her purse and her wallet is gone! So katie looks in her purse too, and her wallet is gone also! One of the little girls pick pocketed her, and she looked through all of their purses, and could not find it. These little girls are so skilled that they pick pocket, then pass it off before anyone can notice. So my sister had stolen $260, her debit card, credit card, a ring my mom got her for christmas that was like $500, and another ring she got from my aunt..
Talk About Bad Luck.