Oct 02, 2007 21:12
I get so used to my routine, that any change in it makes things a little more interesting.
Part of me wants to stay single and not get tied down to anyone. Another part of me wants a relationship. And then there's a small part of me that wouldn't mind marriage.
I'm moving back to San Diego in mid January or February. I'm so excited. I've started browsing for jobs. I also need to decide where I want to live and if I'm going to live with any friends.
I feel like I'm always searching for that answer that is going to bring happiness. I sometimes feel so unfulfilled. I start reminiscing about the past and all of the fun times that I had that I will never have again. I realize it is not just one thing that brings happiness, it is a lot of little things. I don't think I'm unhappy, just at a transition point in my life, and who is good at transitions?
My big test is October 26th. I'm so tired of studying. I've been a student my entire life, since preschool, no break ever. Everything I've learned in all of my Speech and Hearing Science and Communication Disorders and Sciences courses in the past 7 years could potentially be on this test. It's amazing how much information we are able to hold in our brains. I continue to amaze myself every day. But anyways, stress is starting to hit, which is actually a good thing.
On top of it all, I feel old. 25 came so fast. Harsh reality.
As always, I love my friends, wonderful coworkers, and family 8)