Jun 20, 2007 21:52
So basically I was "homeless" for two weeks (my stuff was somewhere but I couldn't stay there), then I moved into a house in Burbank, yada yada yada and I moved out a week later.
I'm now back up close to where I used to live.
I wasn't really homeless, I just was going to be super busy at the end of May so I needed to move before I was going out of town.
My life consists of school, work, externship, studying... I'm so tired right now but I'm in the updating mood. I want to be a model. I've always wanted to be one. I just went to college and joined the world of academia and then put on too much weight (all of which is now gone). This is a dream that I need to fulfill.
I went out the other night to this pretty nice place in Santa Monica and every single freaking guy there hit on me and/or thought I was some model or movie star. Flattery is so wonderful and such a confidence booster.
Veganism is still kicking my ass, but I deal. Oh, and the braces need to come off.