AUTHORS NOTES: Alright, this is closure. I'm not saying I'll never add more to it, when something hits me in a fit of inspiration, I'm just saying for the most part, accept this as the way things are, because it's the way things are in real life. The John Nolan lyrics I found after writing the story, and was amazed at how PERFECTLY they fit the
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That's the sound my heart made when I finished this.
I almost cried xD
It was really, really well-written. I could feel everything, from the heat to the rain to the disappointment when the Yankees lost [[and I don't even follow baseball]] to the heartbreak at the end, and I think you got Nolan and Lacey down pat.
i'm amazed. I know like, NOTHING about baseball, but i tried! people were like "i dont get it, how can that be" and i was like "THE STORY IS ABOUT LOVE! NOT YANKEES!"
but im so glad someone got it.
thank you so, so much for reading!!!!
If theres ever any short fic you wanna see, tell me because if someone is reading, I'll write it. =]
-extends hand- Hi there, I'm roni.
im jules. =]
It is very nice to meet you, Jules.
I'll just interrupt your little conversation.
"Brand New fans need to realize how VERY GAY FOR JOHN NOLAN JESSE LACEY IS."
& you have no idea how right you are.
& it may be 'fangirly' to say it
But, I don't care.
They're gay, and in love
Ahaha, screw using "fangirly" in a negative way. If we don't embrace it no one will xD
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