RANT. for sammi<3

Dec 07, 2006 00:15

Okay, I haven't updated this in FOREVER - so, feel free to shit on me at your own free will.
I haven't wrote since the 10th of July. Holy.

Well one thing is for sure, I miss the summer. I miss working. That's right, I miss my JOB. I loved it. Everyday I met someone new with very exciting stories to tell and now it's just the same people with their same shit and personally, it annoys the hell out of me.

Let's not get angsty so quickly.

It's my last year of high school, it should be the best time of my life. Well, not quite but I'm working on it. I got all crazy easy courses; Folk Literarture, Gym, Canadian Issues, Healthy Living, Career Development, English and Math. Wicked nice. Most days I don't even feel the need to be in school. But I go, just to see people and not be antisocial, of course. Everyone's different this year. I don't know why, or how - they just are. I can already feel the loss of communication with a load of them already, and we're not even in College/University yet. Awh geez. But that's what people do, they drift apart. They may come together once and a while, and become close again, but then the drifting starts again. What a vicious cycle.

I never really got a chance to write about my summer. I guess the highlight of it was my trip to Stephenville or Stevenville - however you spell it. I'll never forget it. I got up at 5am to get ready to go and then I was on the road with Mia(my boss) and Bill(her husband/my cousin). It was SO early - but we had Meatloaf BLASTING the whole way there - which made the trip a hell of a lot faster, and really enjoyable. Anywho. I got there and went to Beavercraft, which is the mothership of out little shop, and it was LOVELY. So many more things than ours, but hopefully that'll change with the new year and hopefully new renevations. After browsing around, Jess rescued me and we went to see the lovely horses - where I instantly fell in love with Fury. (He was the horse I was going to buy from her, but it didn't work out after). We went for a ride until supper time then went to her house, showered and got all dolled up and ready to go out. We picked up some beverages and hung out at her house and primed up for a promised "good night on the town." And a night on the town it WAS! We went bar hopping - basically. I loved every minute of it. I even met a cute boy - and kissed him, a lot. Shame on me I suppose....nah. Anyways, by the time we got home it was 5am - again. My first time for being activally on the go for 25 hours straight. It amazed me. And I love Jess for it, so much - we've grown close and I'm pumped to see her again.

SO. How was that for a rant about Sville? yeah that's what I think too.

I suppose I will mention the relationship that I'm in - YES a relationship. I've been going out with Tyler two months on Saturday. It seems a hell of a lot longer than that, but maybe that's because we were close before we got together. We have our disagreements now and then - maybe a little too often but who's counting. hah. Hopefully I can learn to deal with these jealousy issues I've always had and get on with it and not worry. Hopefully. But yeah, so far so good.

I don't even know why I'm writing this, Sammi is probably the only one who is going to read it.
I'm lucky if SHE does. But I'm enjoying myself so I shall continue on.

I love the fact that it's winter now. I become more physically active in winter.
Hockey starts up and broomball. Gosh. I love it.

Hockey is going great this year. We have a great team, we joined with gfw. We pwn.
Broomball - LOTS of girls playing = GREAT. I love to see that the sport it growing.
Volleyball - what a laugh. I love this sport with all I have. It's comming to an end soon though.
I'm also coaching too. I love coaching. The girls are all a laugh.
But this is where my sports rant ends, cause no one likes to read about that stuff. lol.

So, I fell off a horse - if you didn't know.
Stubborn. Not me - nor the horse. Just the ground for being hard.
My elbow will not be the same again - I swear it.
I need x-rays.
And sammi drew a lovely picture of it. When it was scabby. Maybe I'll scan it later. lol
(ps. I don't see myself scanning it later)

I'm starting to get tired now, as you can tell.
My journal started off so strong and exciting (I think)
And now it's short sentences that I feel the need to press enter after each.
See? Haha.

Grad should be exciting.
Although GREY hoodies? Come on people. Grey (or Gray) is Yuck.
I bought one anyways - like ya would.
Our theme is Midnight Masquerade. And it's going to be EFFING LOVELY.

I can't wait for Christmas.
It should be funfunfun.

Maybe I'll make a picture entry sometime in the near future.
I think it's needed.

Also, Hello LiveJournal.
It's been a while.
We have the same initals.

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