Welp, I do believe that this is going to be my last entry from 5202 Glenmoor Drive aka the rat/rapist infested hell hole!!!!
This week has seriously been such a mixture of emotions. I think I have like a million stories to tell...yay for ending on a long note. That's always fun. K here we go:
Monday was the longest day of my life. I got up earlier than I wanted and went with my mom to Scratch and Dent world in Palatka (you know, the commercials with the lady thats apparently 900 feet tall and she wears the plaid and has the KNEE BRACE)...so we go there and find nothing of course...just the washer and dryer i want for so cheap but its GAS and I have ELECTRIC...whatever...and of course you have your huge black salesman that is the worst salesmen ever and he had spit flying all over the place...I was seriously like gagging. It was gross and a waste of time...we drove forever for nothing...oh wait. We went to Lowe's in Palatka (cause why go to Ormond when you could go to Palatka) and we found my fridge and microwave there so that was worth it I suppose. Ummm so then I went back to PC to meet my dear friend Leah aand...oh wait...so we go back to Palm Coast and I had to go by my parents house for something...I forget what...irrelevant. Anyway, so I kinda half way cleaned out my car (but I won't fully clean it cause that's Ashley's job) and GUESS WHAT I FOUND......um, no....nope, not that either....what?!...haha ok....MY NECKLACE!!!!!! OHHHHH MYYYY GOOOSSSSHHHHHH...I would have to say that I was thoroughly irritated, cause seriously, where has it been? Cause it was right on the floorboard, which I have obvoiusly seen the floor of my car (not often, but I have) so I seriously have no clue where it came from. Whatever. So, Leah and I went up to Home Depot and Target and oopsie ended up at the new town Center in Jacksonville cause we, or I, whatever, needed to find something to wear at graduation...of course we find nothing and are highly disappointed with the whole town center experience. I mean, not that I will completely cross it out, because its shopping and you can't REALLY go wrong with that...whatever...Anyway, we did so good at Home Depot we got fans and lights and it was just great. I love Home Depot these days and I do'nt feel dumb going in there anymore. Um...moving right along...
Tuesday I drove back to West Palm and met up with Julie, Alli, and her roommate Julie to go line dancing...and the two Julie's knew each other from home (Maryland)...ITS A SMALL FREAKING WORLD AFTER ALL...it was so funny. So, we evidently went on advanced night to lessons cause it was so hard, but I got a couple of the dances so that was cool. I really just love line dancing. The End.
Wednesday was my last day babysitting Tara and Drew. It was hard, but not....I dunno. It was weird. Like Drew was bad at first (which they usually are on my last days) then he was all snuggly with me for the rest of the time, which he is not a snuggler so that was kinda sad. Then Tara knew it was my last day so she was pretty clingy but not as bad as usual. I brought her the pictures that we took so she was excited about that. Then we were playing outside and they just love to like crawl all over me and play with my jewelry, so Tara was playing with my necklace and stuff...then the lightbulb went on and I asked her if she really liked it, and of course she said yeah (i mean, seriously, what's not to love) so I was like, you know I think I have another one of them in my car (cause I couldn't remember what I did with it)...so she got all excited and was like can we please go look?!?! so we go and of course I can't find it cause my car is a flipping disaster area, but FINALLY i found it and she's like :i want to wear it now...and I'm never going to take it off." It was way cute, so I was glad I could give that to her on my last day. Those kids are way special to me. Um, so then I went home and met up with Julie to go to line dance lesson and of course last night was beginners night where we learned THE ELECTRIC SLIDE. omg I was so irritated, but then we learned some other ones, one that I already knew and this way fun partner one. I've found that I don't like dancing with random guys. They smell. Was that rude? Sorry, but they really do. Umm...yeah.
So, today was spent at the beach, kkkkkkkk here's the story from the beach. So, Julie and I are just like sitting around chatting when all of a sudden I was like omg omg omg omg....there's these two older couples a few feet in front of us and we're like omg what are they doing...the MEN were CHANGING! OHH MY GOSH....ok, so they had like towels around them, but it was windy and well, ok, it was just so WEIRD AND GROSS....isn't that something that just like you're little 2 year old kids do?! I seriously was flipping out. I just didn't get it cause they ladies had their bathing suits on so why couldn't the guys have changed where the girls did?????? I just dont understand people sometimes. Um, so after the beach I ran to the mall (actually I drove) and I got a dress for graduation for $20 and its way cute so that was fun...then we went to Longhorn and Maggie Moo's one last time, and have been home packing ever since...
Oh yeah, on the way to the beach I went and picked up my art projects and my teacher just LOVED my photo essay and he even listened to the music with it and everything, and wrote me a nice note on my grade sheet about how much he loved me and wished he could have given me higher than an A...and I didn't even do the best job I could have on it. That was cool. I'm glad to be done with photography though. Grades are doing good...so far 3 A's. All that's left is Dr. Z's class (Cognitive Psych) and I honestly have no clue what I'll get in there. I know I PASSED, but that's all I know. We'll see how good of a job I did sucking up. lol...
Remember how I said I was a cow....
I wonder why.
Goodbye all from West Palm Beach!!!!!!!!!