Literati nights

Jun 16, 2006 08:26

So, exor674 and I were bored, and we decided to play Literati, which was great. We finished the game, and we decided that we were gonna' play again, but that we were making up our own rules. The rules were as follows:

1. Play w. Challenge Mode on, accepting everything
2. You must use all the letters in your hand, or have points docked
3. Keep our own score, which is the following 5 points if its a word, 10 points if it sounds vaugely dirty, 20 points if it sounds really dirty and +15 if it's almost a word.

We played, and the game progressed as follows:

Ply: Called Wrd/ Actual Wrd Round Score Total

Lac: Seltzer/ Selzljr 35 +15/ 50/ 50
Dre: Motorbike/ Moti(r)brr 35 / 35/ 35

Lac: Orifaces/ Taxfice(s) 35 +30/ 65/ 115
Dre: Sextaper/ Sesnnoa(r) 35 +10/ 45/ 80

Lac: Neenars/ Neenars 20/ 20/ 135
Dre: Sextoyers/ Seitoyn(l)n 35 +35 / 70/ 150

Lac: Tartleys/ Ta(r)tmevt 5 / 5/ 140
Dre: Newborn/ (N)ekbaga 20 / 20/ 170

Lac: Talented/ (T)tlentsb 35 +10 / 45/ 185
Dre: Eldergags/ Ede(r)gas(l) 35 +25 / 60/ 230

Lac:/ Aies(e)i(n)g(s)t(i)g 35 +25 / 60/ 245
Dre: Pegasus'd/ P(e)gasutd 35 +25 / 60/ 290

Lac: Stalker/ (d)saalkon 35 +20 / 55/ 300
Dre: Endorsed/ (e)n(d)aaser 25 / 25/ 315

Lac: America/ Azjrica 35 +30 / 65/ 365
Dre: Elemented/ Ele(s)ntus 35 +25 / 60/ 375

We also kept track of what yahoo recorded our points as being, just for shits ang giggles. The final score ended up being:

Lacey: 365 (our) / 439 (yahoo)
Dre : 375 (our) / 355 (yahoo)

exor674 IS TEH WINNAR!!! But! Round 2 is tomorrow night, and I shall not lose again.

Below is a screenshot of the board, post-game. Notice how it is seemingly just a random jumble of letters. However, it is quite the opposite.

We did it for the lulz. And we shall do it again tomorrow night. Be afraid. Be very afraid.

funny, lj

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