Apr 05, 2017 14:26
In light of all the mutterings about recent LJ developments and Russian T&Cs etc etc, I finally sat down and decided to delete all my livejournal content, which boils down to removing all entries, deleting a couple of shared journals and clearing out my albums (wow I forgot some of this stuff even existed).
All entries and comments from this journal have been backed up to Dreamwidth in any case, because why spare yourself from minor quibbles like embarrassment over your youthful folly and troll wars. HAUNT THYSELF FOREVER AFTER. So if there's anything you absolutely have to look up, it's all still there on DW. I'll be switching off cross-posting as well, so all entries will be DW only in future (though given how often I post, this will have: no discernible effect ha ha)
I'm keeping this account because a couple of people I follow here don't post anywhere else that I know of, so I'll still be checking in sporadically. And if you have a DW or tumblr that you'll rather I follow, just hit me up. XD