*Xander may appear to be aimlessly wandering but he is actually not. Either way it does lead him to wandering about, so he comes across Hyacinth...and spots the glowing hands. He furrows his brow, making no attempt to hide the fact that he's staring at them.*
Look, I don't know jack about this. What I do know is my hands glow, there's metal in my arm, I'm in the middle of some filthy-ass place, and I want to go home.
No. Like metal. Embedded. In my arm. But that's not important. There is always escape, even if it's fucking stupid like refrigerator teleportation machines. Death isn't an option.
"Easy" is for the weak. I love a good challenge. [Except when it involves creepy bird people. In that event, Hyacinth will gladly pass.] I'm gonna need to know everything you know about this place and somewhere to stay.
[If you're going to be even acquainted with Hyacinth? Get used to it.]
Excellent. Lovely lady shows up in a disgusting town and the only gentleman she meets asks to be paid to show her around. My, my, what a welcome wagon.
He furrows his brow, making no attempt to hide the fact that he's staring at them.*
Hey, haven't you seen someone with glowing hands before? Rude.
No one human, at least.
*That could easily sound like an insult, even if he doesn't entirely mean it as one.*
Well, here I am. Human. With goddamn glowing hands. Now you've seen it all.
What makes them do that?
[She's not joking.]
*He sounds disbelieving; Xander figures she's either bsing him or crazy.*
Look, I don't know jack about this. What I do know is my hands glow, there's metal in my arm, I'm in the middle of some filthy-ass place, and I want to go home.
Like shrapnel?
*He hmphs.*
Everybody says we can't get home.
*Xander still refuses to believe that, though.*
The way out is well hidden and possibly guarded. Any escape won't be easy.
*Or else there'd be nobody here...right?*
Its called Laceurs and I can show you around for a price. You're on your own for a place to stay.
Excellent. Lovely lady shows up in a disgusting town and the only gentleman she meets asks to be paid to show her around. My, my, what a welcome wagon.
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