There's some big OD scandal, which doesn't really bother me at all. Yes, I think it is fair that the DM can access friends only and private posts as it is his site. However, I don't think he should read them at will (they are set that way for a reason), and I don't think he should have the ability to comment. Or that he should, but rather that he not comment unless absolutely necessary. I don't know what happened, but I get the impression that he commented on a friends only entry just because he didn't like what was said. As far as I know, it was a difference of opinion. Anyway, there's entries everywhere about people leaving, about what makes OD OD and lots of entries from people who just don't care. I guess I'm in the last camp, but I know I would care if it was me. Just my two cents, which no one will probably read anyway. There's much more interesting things to read.
Whoever left the nasty questions on my formspring is back, with a few more funnies; "did you ever think an ugly bisexual would turn a guy on? cause they don't" and "why are you with a guy if your[sic] gay?". Give any idiot a keyboard and a semblance of anonymity and they'll think they're king shit. It makes me wonder if the internet, or really just social networking sites in particular, wasn't designed with the soul purprose as a breeding ground for cyber bullies. It's awful. None of this really bothers me, but lately I've noticed that Charley has deleted her formspring page because some anonymous idiot spent the last week posting statements about how she's faking her eating disorder for attention. For Charley, who is a severly broken person with an actual eating disorder, with actual mental health problems, with a history of abuse and suicide attempts, and with a self esteem in the negatives, that's just too much for her to handle. Occasionally you hear about kids who suicide because of cyber bullying, and unfortunately that's on the rise. It's so sad that these people think that picking on someone else is funny. I'd say kids, but I know that bullying extends way beyond childhood, and even adolescence. It's even more sad when it's online, because when it comes down to it, nothing can be done about it. At school you can pull kids out of classes, kick kids out of school, but at home, what are you going to do? Lock yourself, or your kid/brother/sister/friend/etc., into a room and not come out, ever again? No, there's really nothing that can be done to stop cyber bullying. Of course, blog sites are also culprits, but not as bad as a site that's designed specifically for questions (and I use "questions" losely) to be posted anonymously. That's just like handing someone a free pass and saying "here, pick on these people all you want". I joined formspring for a bit of fun, but now that I think about it, I guess I thought that the internet and its users had collectively grown up just as I had, but no, the internet, and the majority of its users on sites like this, have definitely not grown up. I can't really say I'm disappointed. Being cynical pays off sometimes. Things like this make me want to break off my love affair with the internet, but when it comes down to it, there are far more pleasant people than nasty people. Unfortunately, for most, it's the nasty people that leave the impressions.
ask me a question