Sep 09, 2004 23:49
i like how i tell you people that you should start looking for more updates everyday and then i don't update till today. oh well. umm hmm. was at the beach the past couple of days. they started school on the 7th and i was like fuck, i'm not gonna have anybody to hang out w/ while they're at school. then a genuis idea came to my brain.
BRAIN: go back to Landon's old ways.
Landon's old ways = stay up till 3am watching tv, wake up around noon or tv till 2:30. then they're outta school. ima genuis. hmm yeah so the 17th,18th, and 19th = me, Charlie, M@, and Jacob (stoner) at the beach...i'm hoping. i'm gonna wake up tomorrow and go get a few pair of pants and a belt cuz i need them. then off to the beach. So yeah i'm suppost to go to the game there tomorrow. but i'd feel kinda uncomfortable. i dunno why since i know everybody down thurr. oh well. we'll see what happens. i had hockey tonight and it was ok. b-rad was gay as usual blaming me for all this shit. like taking his mouth gaurd case. WTF?! why would a take a mouth gaurd case...i don't even use a mouth guard. queer. OK get this...i skated by him on the ice and got a bigg wiff of cologne. so i ask him if he's wearing cologne and he goes "no, only for school, swim team, and work" then i tell him that he smells like strawberrys and he's like no i dont. i ask what kind of cologne he has and he said something to do w/ a fruity smell....but he still deny's he smells like strawberrys and doesn't get where i'm getting that idea. well i'm done i guess. later
Random Fact - B-rad smells like strawberrys.
Random Question - i wonder what John Doe's middle name is.
Random Question - i wonder if wonder bread wonders things.