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Jun 17, 2005 23:23

Hey everyone...well yea it's been awhile since i updated, but I have been pretty busy. Yea so i had guard camp all this week..damm that was tiring. I seriously thought about quiting but everyone on the team said to keep trying and it will get easier. I am scared for my 1st football game, that should be fun. My summer has been pretty good i haven't really got the chance to sleep in lately cause guard but what can i say. I am going to New jersey soon sometime in July and staying at my aunts beach house. A W E S O M E. Tonight I hung out with Chris, it was fun. I really hope i learn the flag feature and dont look like a complete jackass when we go out on the field. Tomorrow is Lauren A.'s party and I am first on her list lol YAY! I did alittle school shopping , i got some jeans and a skirt at hollister and 2 shirts from ae. It's nice sometimes to have people you know that you can fall back on. That's what guard is to me. Me and Stephanie need to hang out to do our stickman and go over the feature soon, so steph or mini lol call me. I have some pictures from that dance/last day of school/field day/random but photo bucket is being retarded. I am obsessed with the O.C you have no idea. I got first season on dvd and i am up to like the 4th tape, its really good. I am totally excited for high school. New people and friends to hang out with. New guys especially lol. I had to drop dance because it would have conflicted with color guard so I wont be going back next week. I still mess around in my pointe shoes and i have 6 turns to the left lol. I wish something interesting would happen lately. Its kinda late and i am tired from walking to the park with Chris so i am going to go. I will have the pictures up soon enough. Post your heart out. <33
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