Jul 01, 2002 14:54
ok here goes, this is the shiot right here dat happened the day bee4 yesterday...
I was driving to my aunt becky's house doing justttt fine go me, goin there to feed her fish n what not cause she not there, anyways here we were me driving my mom in the passenger seat n amanada behind my mom in da back seat, yew know doin the driving thing when this lil bastard azn man from deleware come right eefin through the red light smack into the passenger side of us pushin us over into the truck on my side,
rawr what a dumbeeE, everyone is aight cept well the cars n what not oi, my mom head aches a lil n has like a bruise somethin or somethin amanda has a purplE bruise on her side from like the door handle er somethin jammin into her n her knee got somewhat messed up with scrape or whateva and i aight... daddy mac'll make ya jump.
that all that happened then anyhowwww we be goin to texas amanda and i like july 22nd to august sometin finally sumthin to do dis summer wiggita wiggita waK
til next time lates O0o