[comment_fic] fill masterlist

Dec 04, 2013 05:11

Title: In the Endless Sky (We Are But One)
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairings: Derek/Stiles, established
Rating: PG - General Audiences
Summary: There is a spot in the woods that Stiles has grown rather fond of. A tree there, large and immaculate, extends so far up that he's convinced its branches could touch the stars. Derek always laughs when he says as much, but there is a fondness in his eyes that leaves Stiles breathless and unable to defend his point. For the prompt, "Teen Wolf, Stiles(/Derek), moonlight," by tigriswolf.

Title: Lips As Red As Blood
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairings: Klaus/Caroline
Rating: PG - General Audiences
Summary: Red is a truly delightful color on Caroline, Klaus thinks, as she licks the last drops of blood off her lips, sated and looking simply divine in a bright red gown. For hpfangirl71's prompt, "Vampire Diaries/Originals, Klaus/Caroline, blood."

Title: Sweater Weather
Fandom: Hawaii Five-0
Pairings: Steve/Danny
Rating: G - General Audiences
Summary: Hawaii is everyone's ideal paradise, but not Danny's. He's made a home here, sure, but there are missing elements he yearns for - especially during the holiday season. The distinct lack of snow, for one, leaves his stomach churning with a longing for Jersey and the familiar cold that accompanies it in December. For the prompt, "Hawaii Five-0, Steve/Danny, Danny misses snow," by ncisvu_lj.

Title: No Greater Love
Fandom: Charmed
Pairings: Leo/Piper
Rating: G - General Audiences
Summary: As a child, Piper had heard more than once how truly magical it was to hold your baby for the first time. Now, with her little girl cooing in her arms, Piper couldn't agree more. For the prompt, "Charmed, any, Piper had a daugther instead of a son (Wyatt)," by 3am_moonlight.

Title: Untitled
Fandom: Inception
Pairings: Arthur/Eames
Rating: G - General Audiences
Summary: Time and time again, people have seen, but they've never truly looked. Or, the one where perceptions are deceiving and Eames is far from incompetent. For the prompt, "Inception, Arthur/Eames, competency," by tigriswolf.

Title: Untitled
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries
Pairings: Klaus/Caroline
Rating: G - General Audiences
Summary: Caroline will never breathe a word of it aloud, but she'd been more than ready to travel to New Orleans with Klaus when he'd asked for her company. For dametokillfor's prompt, "The Vampire Diaries/The Originals, Klaus/Caroline, she was ready to go to New Orleans with him."

Title: Untitled
Fandom: RPF (Valentine's Day)
Pairings: Taylor Lautner/Taylor Swift
Rating: PG - General Audiences
Summary: Lautner's girlfriend of three days wants him to propose. Naturally, he texts ex-girlfriend and friend with benefit Taylor Swift in search of advice. For tigriswolf's prompt, "RPF, Taylor Swift/Taylor Lautner, Please keep in mind you are asking relationship advice from a girl who fucked a guy just because we have the same name. Just keep that in mind."

Title: Untitled
Fandom: Unspecified
Pairings: Unspecified
Rating: G - General Audiences
Summary: For this prompt by classics_lover.

Title: Untitled
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairings: Gen, Derek and Cora
Rating: G - General Audiences
Summary: Years after they lost their family to the fire, Derek still blames himself for their deaths. Cora thinks enough is enough. For the prompt, "Teen Wolf, Cora and Derek, Cora is not in the mood to indulge Derek's pity party," by rebak1tten.

Title: Cause and Effect
Fandom: The Twilight Saga
Pairings: [Gen] Edward, Jasper, Emmett
Rating: PG - General Audiences
Summary: For cascadewaters's prompt, "Twilight, Emmett + Jasper + Edward, the reason he'd been so sure that they would never help him harm himself―and why he should have known what they'd do to him when he got home."

Title: Untitled
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairings: Dean/Castiel, established
Rating: G - General Audiences
Summary: The look on Sam's face spoke tales of curtains opening, light being shed and a man left in the dark finally discovering the truth. It was in that moment that, through the haze in his mind, Castiel realized Sam knew what he and Dean had so desperately tried to hide for years. For daria234's prompt, "SPN, Sam/Kevin or Dean/Cas, dealing with the boyfriend's brother."

Title: Retribution
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairings: [Gen] Stiles
Rating: PG - General Audiences
Summary: It took him years to finally piece the puzzle of his father's murder together, but here he was, face-to-face with the woman responsible for his father's death. For tigriswolf's prompt, "Teen Wolf (TV), Stiles, anything based on this."

Title: Sweet Chaos
Fandom: The Vampire Diaries/The Avengers
Pairings: [Gen] Caroline, Loki
Rating: G - General Audiences
Summary: "My name," Caroline said, a soft smile accompanying her words, "is Loki. And like you, I have a brother whose misery I very well intend to be the cause of." For this prompt by purplemoon3.

community: comment_fic, fic: master list

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