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My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat HaulLaced_UP goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as catwomen.
cookiemonster06 tricks you! You get a rotten egg.
haley_bear_58 gives you 9 red-orange passionfruit-flavoured gumdrops.
hatzosfunnykid tricks you! You get a 3.5-inch floppy disc.
laying_flowers gives you 17 red lemon-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
lustfulromantic gives you 19 yellow licorice-flavoured gummy fruits.
nick_shady331 gives you 12 tan spearmint-flavoured miniature candy bars.
sparkyman_06 gives you 14 dark blue cinnamon-flavoured nuggets.
xbloodangelx tricks you! You get a wad of paper.
xkclynnx gives you 16 dark green cola-flavoured pieces of taffy.
zzzboingzzz gives you 6 red-orange cola-flavoured pieces of taffy.Laced_UP ends up with 93 pieces of candy, a rotten egg, a 3.5-inch floppy disc, and a wad of paper.Another fun meme brought to you by