This is my spot.

Oct 24, 2015 20:44

Hullo there.

All my entries are friends-locked these days. Some are a bit more protected by filters and such, if I so choose. But don't let that intimidate you. Just add me and comment, and I'd be only too happy to get to know you! There's no need to lurk.

Here are some things that I like:
Dried herbs. Moonlight. Coffee. Trees. Candles. Old books. Writing. Ribbons. Teacups. Oceans. Learning. Fog. Doodles. Journals. Lavender. Homemade soap. Stinky cheese. Cooking. White wine. Instrumental music. Lace. Dreaming. Grass between my toes. Shade. Crafty things. Headbands. Sparkles.

[other] coffee
