May 03, 2005 16:28
Being at Belmont, I can confidently say that I have learned so much about who I am as an individual, because everyone is so different here. People are from all over the country, not one of my closest friends is from the South (which I love!). Having such a diverse environment has made me more aware of my assumptions. Being from the South, especially Birmingham. Alabama, I think people have a natural reaction to assume that I have at least a small degree of racism in me. Today, I was talking with a friend from Chicago, and we were discussion the South and how different it is, and she asked me if I had ever been the minority? I didn’t really know what to say. I wanted to say of course, but honestly No! That is sad. I don’t consider myself racist at all, but the fact that I never have had any really close friend of another race makes me question myself. Not that I try to make these choices, I just don’t think I am exposed to have the opportunity. She laughed when I answered her. Am I racist, just because I live in a constant environment that caters to segregation? This year I have given my friends a million reasons why I am not racists (which all are true and valid), but am I? I live in a very white neighborhood, I went to a HS that had about a half a dozen non-white people, and I go to a university that is about the same. What does this say about me? Just because I never really had any close friends who are non-white friends doesn’t make me racist, but it doesn’t not make me. I would like to think that I am not, but if I were the minority I think I would feel slightly uncomfortable. I don’t want to be racist, and I don’t think I am, but have I labeled myself as one, simply because of my environment?