Aug 27, 2005 11:22
sigh. i hate school. ok i dont hate it but i do dislike it a whole bunch. i FINALLY got my schedual fixed so that i had four classes and a lab. still not enough but i am at school from 8am strait through to 3, so if i added a class i'd be there for too long without a break. heres the schedual:
8am-9:20- spanish......waaaay more boring than i thought it'd be..
9:30-10:50- speech....i think i'm going to like this class
11-12:20- human lifespan: developmental pshyc....i like this one too so far.
12:30-1:50- english lit 2...havent been there yet.
2-2:53- spanish lab.
woopee huh.
adam and i are going on a real date next week:) without anyone else, just us. i mean, i love alisha, cory and tim, but you know:) im definately looking forward to that.
my dad's trading the monterro in today, for a FULLY LOADED 05 CHEVY SILVERADO!! yay!
already miss the summer.......but this year is going to be good, i can feel it:)
speaking of which, has anyone been outside lately? last night and this morning? it was so nice and cool and breezy. it was very calming, kinda felt like a promise from God saying, "ive got some cool plans, just enjoy the ride and i'll take you there".