Allow me to quote Magaw

Oct 12, 2005 16:48

This is a story about what I lived through yesterday. I dont want to type it all out, and since Jen has already posted it in her journal...I'm taking the liberty of stealing it. kThanks.

Allow me to recount an event in my preferred writing voice- slightly whimsical dramatics.

"There is an all-out war between the suite that is below us, and the suite that is connected to us. The suite connected to us walks through our bathroom and common room to get to the stairs, and the suite below us has been coming upstairs and going through our common room and bathroom to get to the other suite. Our rooms are the battlefield where this war is taking place.

I don't know if we're going to have a "normal" night again. It's kind of unnerving, yet liberating, to see your RA get tackled to the ground because there's been back-and-forth randomsing going on all night, and she's part of it.

We were getting phone calls from the boys until about 2:30 last night. Apparently, after that point, their phone cord was stolen. We took all our things we kept in our bathroom, and decided it needed to be hidden for the night. I volunteered my room... not a good idea. My room didn't smell too pleasant when 8 am rolled around.

Part of me thinks that this is pretty hilarious, and a much better get-to-know-you game than Assassins (ask if you have no idea about that). However, the whole situation seems vaguely surreal, and I'm starting to wonder if anyone else has ever lived like this. Probably."
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