Jun 28, 2007 15:27

TITLE; The Evolution of Necessity
AUTHOR; Andbehinddoor47
LINK; Here
STATUS; Complete
SUMMARY; Her throat constricted as she tried to speak, tried to form words and make comprehensible sounds. There was nothing. Just a strangled cry as she realized that somewhere between the encounter at St. Mungo’s and her conversation with Mr. Weasley, she had lost her desire to cause him pain. No regurgitation of traumatizing memories from Hogwarts could revitalize it. It was simply gone.
Oh irony.
In a way, love was need, but in a better-looking package.
Need required desperation, embarrassment, and even poverty. Love was the conclusion. The butterfly after eons of suffering in a chrysalis.

nc-17, despair, redemption, one-shot

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