Aug 19, 2010 22:13
I finally feel like posting. Must be the two substantial glasses of good Islay Scotch that got me going. I don't know when I posted last, but it was a long, long time ago. I have been busy, busy, busy, but not with much that is relaxing, except for the Scotch, that is. I was never much of a drinker, but now, well, I like some wine, some beer, some Scotch to relax at the end of a hard week or a hard day. It takes the edge off. Alcoholic, I think not. Therapeutic, perhaps.
Did I tell you all that my Dad died? He would have been 89 this upcoming Saturday. I think about him all the time. I feel so weird, thinking I can never see him or talk with him again. My Mom, 85 years old, is still bereft, at sea without a compass, her focus gone. She is clearly depressed and I worry about her. I feel certain she will get out of the depths of despair and take on living her life again. I give her six months before I really start to feel concerned. She is feeling better in fits and in starts. Some good days, then a couple of bad ones. The heat and humidity in the east coast do not help. Thank goodness she is installing air conditioning in the house, something my Dad was not willing to do. So she is making decisions and doing what is necessary, but she is not happy by any measure. When I was last back there, we visited and contacted many dog shelters. We visited three and finally we found an adult dog, mellow and not too big, that my Mom adopted. I am hoping that Pucci (formerly Peanut) will bring much joy to my Mom's life. So far, so good.
I have been traveling a lot between the west coast and east coast. I am doing it for work and to visit with my Mom. I have made the trip several times already this summer and have two more trips planned within the next month, one for my niece's wedding and another one for work. I would like to stay home for awhile. When my Dad died, I stayed with my Mom for three weeks. So I am still hopelessly behind at my work. Fortunately, my boss has been understanding.
I feel really out of touch with everyone, both on LJ and and in real life, except for my immediate family. That is good, but I miss my friends.
I have also been dealing with a knee injury of some kind for more than 6 months now. I limp when I get out of bed or out of a chair I have been sitting in for a long time, but with aspirin and walking it out, it gets better. I keep hoping it will heal and feel all better. But I am thinking now I should probably go see a doctor, definitely not one of my favorite things.
I hope all of you are well and enjoying a relaxing and fun summer!