Aug 30, 2003 18:07
For the past few days I've been packing....a lot...I'm almost done...but the sad thing is when I finally got around to packing my room...everything I own that isn't clothes...fits in one box...Moved so much...that I have so little to move...
Either way under her order I had to finish packing today so I could go to the Renaissance Festival with her among others.
So the time has less than a week I'll be gone, Hurray?
I think not..
my past few days have been a blur of packing...or her.
regardless..I went bowling last night, woo I tossed a 16 pound ball down a straight line to hit the thingies at the end..and now my stupid arm hurts...stupid arm..anywho turns out I thought I had lost my keys..but I didn't I had just locked them in my apartments...cause I'm a dumbass...and lock keys inside apartments.
Before I went bowling I was at Springfield mall with Ciana where I found a really cool incense burner and a DDR MACHINE =O And I can still play =D I still own at DDR w00t =D
That's all for now..