Dec 18, 2007 21:21
Lot's Of Stuff Going On! ...I Can't Believe It's Only Tuesday!
...Well, now its Wednesday! BUT STILL... -I've gotten so much done over the past two days!
First let me Update about the Weekend...
-Friday Night Keith, Mookie, Gwen, Michael&I all went to see I Am Legend! Which was rockin! As I understand it, it's not like the book... Which I think I might want to read! BUT I've got soo many other things to read right now its on the bottom of the list! First things first are the Sword of Truth Novels... I'm nearly through the First! -It's so nice having time to read again! (*Well... Not Skool-Related Reading!*)
-I woke up early and my Mom, Dad, Brother and I all went to get the Christmas Tree at Glen Willow Orchard's in Avondale! -We are generally faithful to that Orchard because they always seem to have a *Our* Tree! (*Dorkiness To The Extreme!*)
...Anyways... Afterwards we stopped at Piles for the Charlie Brown-Tree, which means we pick the most pathetic looking tree that no one is EVER in a million years going to buy... BUT because it gave it's life still needs to be loved! So There! (*Sticks Out Tongue!*)
-And as it turns out... We ended up with 2 Charlie's this year! Which was reasonably hysterical to see 3 Trees strapped to the top of a mini-van!
-After that we stopped at Perkin's for our Customary Family Breakfast! ...I look forward to this every year... I know that might seem silly, but its the only really big thing the Four of us do together... (*Smiles Warmly!*)
...After that we headed home and Michael came over right in time to help us hall the trees in! ...Which always tends to be reasonably amusing!
-After that, Michael&I rode over to KMart and got my Uncle a sweater and made it back just in time to wrap the present's before my Grandmother and Uncle's B-day Party!
-THEN... After the party Michael&I drove over to his place and we snugged and watched both Predator Movies! -Then, of course, it was Snuggs all the live long night! OHHH!?! And in the middle of the first movie we drove over to Wawa and boughts a shit-load of candy because I was seriously craving it! (*Laughs!*)
-Michael&I woke up and showered and then rode over to my house to leave for lunch/dinner with my family at the Spaghetti Warehouse in Philly! Then we went to see Peter Pan at the Walnut Street Theater... WHICH, LET ME TELL, YOU WAS ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS! I was absolutely astonished at how fantastic the show was! The sets were all amazing and so were all the actor's! -When we started at Walnut St. several years back a lot was left to be desired, but the past Two Seasons have been Amazing! I hope they keep whatever-or-whoever is/are making their shows so successful! I think anyone who has a brain should go see this show! Fantastic! AND THE PIRATES DANCE!?! Hazzah! I Can't wait for Les Mis at the end of the season! W00t!
...Okey, enough plugging for that! (*But Seriously GO!!!*)
-I Got's To Hang-The-Out With Kayla All Day! WAAAHHH!!! (*Which Means It Was Fantastic! ~Laughs!~*) We pretty much rode around all day catching-up while I did a lot of Christmas Shopping! ...When we're together it's like we've never been apart... I guess we're just weird!
-We also ate's at the Apple-of-the-Bee's! W00t! Mmm... And lot's of other stuff!
...She goes back to Michigan January 6th which means I must harass her endlessly until she has to go back to skool! Mwahahahaaaa!!
(*Evil Laughter Continues Until It Becomes Uncomfortable... ~Coughs!~*)
-I also dropped off my Laptop at Best Buy to be fixed! (*Thank Goodness For Warranties! Hazzah!*) -And, Surprisingly, life has been much easier without the damn thing... I feel... More Relaxed! Well, that's also complied with a lot of changes I've recently made in my life! But Yey For No Worries! Plus, It's given me lots of time for reading! -Of Course, you might ask yourself what I'm writing this post with... And the Answer is my Desktop Computer in my Bedroom! I just prefer my laptop because it offers me mobility and is less-Virusy!
Anyways... What was I talking about? Oh YEAH! Monday!
-Around 6-ish Kayla and I got back to my house and Kayla had to go to Dinner with her family, And I needed to Trim the Tree with My family! So then Michael came over and we gots to un-packing all the Christmas Stuff and Decorating the Tree/House with my family! -It's one thing to HAVE your Christmas Tree... It's quite another to Decorate It! SO Yey! The House Looks Christmas-y Again! W00t!
-And I Love Having Michael There To Help! He's Soo Part Of My Family! (*Smiles Warmly!*)
-I woke up and laid around most of the day... Like Seriously! I wanted to get up and go do stuff... But I Was Just Too Damn Lazy! ...So I pretty much did nothing but read and sleep! YeY! -Which was so Nice and Relaxing!
-Around 4:30 I finally got up and drove over to Happy Harry's to pick up my Prescription and other random necessities to keep life moving! The at 6:00 my Aunt, Grandmother, Brother and I went to the Mall to do our Yearly Christmas Shopping Extravaganza!?! (*Well, Not REALLY An "Extravaganza!?!" ...But It Sounds Cool! ~Laughs!~*) -And I got's a couple more presents for Family! ...As it is I've only got a few more people left which of course are the hard-one's like My Mother, Aunt, and Grandmother! (*~Sighs~*)
Anyways... I'll worry about that tomorrow!
Speaking of which...
-TOMORROW!!! Is Longwood Garden's! WEEEEEE!!! -Michael&My Early 2 Year Anniversary! W00t!
...But now it's time for bed! I'm going to go take a Nice Hot Bath and then go fold all my Laundry currently in the dryer and go to bed's! Hazzah!?!
Mmm... I Feel Goods! (*Smiles!*) -I Can't Wait For Tomorrow!
christmas tree,