Welcome to the Master List for the 2009-2010 Labyrinth Fic Exchange! If you haven't already done so, please thank your Mystery Authors-- especially now that you know who they are! We had a great range of stories this year from fluff to dark fantasy and the participants deserve a huge round of applause for all their hard work, so please leave a comment if you enjoyed a story. :)
Story TitleAuthor 1.
feyhowl Say My Namesonata_ix 2.
spotzle A New Goblin Holiday callmekacee 3.
outinthestorm Fallow Heart moon_lover68 4.
moon_lover68 At the Center of the Labyrinth merellia 5.
idnh_azuresky Of Unrequited Love, Crushes, and Severe Irreconcilable Crises of Belief aliasheist 6.
kelly_h80 Shifter Shaper, Shaper Shifter agentlerain 7.
scatteredlogic The Day the Goblin King Came Over (to watch TV), or How I Singlehandedly Destroyed a Wedding and Got My Life Back by Sarah Williams slobber_neck 8.
whitemunin There and Back Again dmacabre 9.
callmekacee Finding Happiness kelly_h80 10.
sonata_ix Four Times Sarah Williams Gave Me (Harry Dresden, Wizard) More Than I Bargained For and One Time I Returned the Favor norgbelulah 11.
norgbelulah She Walks in Beauty idnh_azuresky 12.
tallulah99 The Fertility of Youth scatteredlogic 13.
merellia A Valiant Quest sisterthemoon 14.
agentlerain A Fair to Remember tallulah99 15.
akavertigo Hope Springs Eternal,
Part One,
Part Two,
Part Three spotzle 16.
lady_rhiyana Wormwood whitemunin 17.
dmacabre Dare to Bake a Peach akavertigo 18.
slobber_neck We Keep the Wall Between Us As We Go *
aliasheist 19.
sisterthemoon The History Lesson *
norgbelulah 20.
whitemunin I Fought the Law and the Law Won: The Sarah Williams Storydmacabre 21.
aliasheist 4 historical figures whose lives Jareth changed (and one from the future) lady_rhiyana 22.
wiccarowan A Knight's Tale *
dmacabre * Fic written by a Mystery Pinch Hitter
Many, many thanks to everyone who took part in the exchange this year! Your stories make it all worthwhile and I'm very glad you were in it. :)