Breadcrumb trail to dreamwidth

Sep 08, 2017 09:42

Hello, my lovelies -- as promised, the imminent things.

A dreamwidth-based labyfic community can now be found here. This enables us to deal with some of the issues that were becoming difficult with lj (ex: preventing junk anonymous posting).

For now, I and the wondrous womanroaring will be taking the administrative helm over at dreamwidth. There, for instance, you'll currently find this month's drabble challenge.

So, please, jooooooooiiiiin us over there...joooooooiiiin of usssss....

While we'll keep an eye out for cross-posting capabilities, it seems that currently cross-posting is only allowed to personal accounts and not to communities. So, for now, please join us over at the dreamwidth labyfic community if you can. We'll be waiting for you. :D
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