Drabble #55: The Cruelest Way

Apr 07, 2017 00:01

...we had a very quiet response to the drabble prompt of Drabble 54, with a lone entry by me (your intrepid drabble proposer jalenstrix). I was very bolstered by the commenting love of the labyfic collective, represented this past month by the wondrous twitchy_bunnies.

But alas -- my lovely labyfic collective, where have you gone? Perhaps a different prompt might inspire us more in the coming month.

This prompt comes courtesy of my_quorum -- a quote from Helen Oyeyemi's White is for Witching:

But then, maybe "I don’t believe in you" is the cruelest way to kill a monster

Epic possibility. The drabble world is your oyster, I tell you!

Since our longer fic challenges are still on hiatus, let's keep the lengthier limit of 300 words for this month. Though remember that shorter pieces are most definitely welcome!

Your entry should take the following format, posted as a comment on this entry:

Word count: # of words
Drabble: $your_beautiful_drabble

I'll aim to get the next drabble challenge out on the first Friday of next month (May 5).

I'm also very happy to take suggestions if something in particular strikes your fancy -- comment on this post or PM me with your suggestions. You can see our current collected suggestions here.

Remember: Feedback is LOVE. So do reply to your fellow labyficcers' drabbles if so inclined. (Though be careful of concrit unless specifically okayed by the author beforehand.)

one word drabble, challenge

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