
Nov 26, 2007 15:36

To all my dear friends, I am very, very sorry for so long that  I haven't written anything here in our post.  I was so ashamed at the sametime feeling sorry about our cancelled trip to Nara,kobe and Kyoto because of the sudden death of my sensei' s mom.

For the past weeks I was so busy praparing for speeches both in english, filipino and japanese for our  teacher- training field work to many schools in the elem, high sch, special ed and so on.  I dont even have the time to chech my mails and found out it's 39 unread emails. I also don't have time to check  mails from any Fil.friends cumputer. My apology. Gomen ne!

Now, we have class with Matsuda sensei even it's holiday because on Thurs., we will have again another High sch. to visit to undergo research. Untill now , I haven' t started my report or research in English and Japanese about the comparison of our sch.system and that of Japan. This will be submitted to our supervisor at the end of our scholarship period.

Thank you so much Martin and Lydia for your thougtfulness. I received both your post cards and its really awesome. Thank you so much my friends. I can't send you yet our own post cards. When I go back to the Philippines, I shall send you guys.

Elena, my dear, I know what you feel. Everybody has undergone that stage of frustrations,failures but eventually I believe you can be successful at the end. Please don't loose hope. Remember: " Success is the product of many failures" At times, you feel to give up, at times you feel being down, at times you feel being crazy but remember all of this are but  passing; be persistent enough to face the challenges in life my dear. "Count your blessings instead of your tears, count your courage instead of your fears" I too have surpassed this stage in life. So, cheer up do't be sad.

God Bless each and everyone of us! once again my apology.
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