Yuna is a young singer-songwriter who crosses genres effortlessly. Her bossa nova inspired hit, Dan Sebenarnya, won her first runner up at the
Anugerah Juara Lagu (AJL) in 2009. This song was her offering for the AJL 2010 and the vid was lifted off the movie
Ayat-ayat Cinta. The naked sincerity of her voice lent an amazing texture to the song, resonating beautifully.
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Cinta Sempurna (Perfect Love) - Yunalis Zarai
Aku Manusia Lemah (I am a mere mortal)
Selalu Terjatuh (always faltering)
Berbeda Aku Dari Mu (completely unlike you)
Kau Berdiri Teguh (who stands tall and strong)
Aku Serba Tiada (I have nothing)
Aku Kekurangan (lacking in everything)
Dan Bila Kau Tiba (in your presence)
Aku Hilang Dari Kewujudan (I disappear)
Sempurnanya Sifatmu (how perfect you are)
Tulusnya Hatimu (how pure your heart)
Jujurnya Niatmu (how sincere your intent)
Tingginya Kesabaranmu (how boundless your patience)
Lepaskanlah Diriku (just let me go)
Kerna Aku Tak Mampu Tuk Menanggung (because I can't bear the force)
Sebuah Cinta Sempurna (of a Perfect Love)
Darimu (From you)
Darimu (From You)
(end chorus)
Bukan Aku Tak Pernah (it isn't that I never)
Mengerti Dirimu (understood you)
Kusanjung Setiap Kata Cinta (I revere every loving word)
Kau Berikan Aku (you bestowed upon me)
Hilangkan Rasa Itu (rid yourself of those feelings)
Akhirkan Semua (just end it all)
Dan Bila Kau Sedar (and when you come to consciousness)
Aku Hilang Dari Kewujudan (I will disappear)