HOMG, what an awesome eps!
Fangirls' prayer have come true! We got barechested Winchesters!
To be greeted by this less than 5 minutes into the episode .... NNNGGGGHHHHHH ....
*sigh* ... To wake up to this in the morning ...
Dear God, look at those arms ...
And that smooth, near flawless back ... *licks dry lips*
Why you getting up, bb? C'mere ...
I recall a screenshot of Jensen as Alec in Dark Angel in a similar pose ... how our boy have grown ... *sniffle*
If those hasn't given fangirls palpitation, this came up.
Now for a close up of the beads of sweat we dream of licking off ...
Sam sure is really cut, no?
The eye candy in this eps is off the charts!
I snerked so hard at the car one upsmanship between Dean's beloved Impala and Sam's Dodge Charger. I mean, Sam's ride is really sweet and it suited him really well. But I can't help but giggle dementedly at his expression when Cas and his angel buddy bodyslammed the Charger from I-don't-know-how-many stories up.
and Dean's totally wicked snicker.
*pats Sam in commisseration*
Nice to see Castiel back complete with his angel mojo and then some. His total lack of concern when he bled Dean for the spell is vintage Cas. And his acknowledgment of the special relationship he has with Dean ... LOL.
I love how Jared is playing the changes in Sam post-hell. He told Dean in season 4 that he didn't have to pay for sex, but this?
She should have been paying him, by God.
He is more of a BAMF, he's not afraid of violence during interrogation and that the cool face he presents sure is hiding some calculation that even Dean is not privy.
Kicking in door is always sexy. Just brings to mind an episode in season 2 where Sam restrained Dean from kicking in the door and how that is diametrically opposite of this.
It does make me speculate what exactly happened to him down under. Dean sold his soul and was tortured, but he was Lucifer's vessel; were there any exemptions?
All in all, I am very happy with the direction the show is going this season.