Artisan Focus/Blog: Cristina DePrada

May 04, 2007 16:29

(Wow, two posts in one day!)

I'm always on the lookout for other bloggers in my field or related trades, and I've found another one: "The rantings of a MAD HATTER wannabe", by Barcelona milliner-in-training Cristina DePrada! Ms. DePrada is a Spanish milliner learning the trade and blogging about it (in English, not Spanish).

Her blog is almost completely hat-centric, with frequent reviews of books and magazines on hat-related topics, illustrations of techniques, links to online videos about hatmaking, overviews of her own projects...tons of great stuff! She's only begun it relatively recently (November 2006), so it's not too much of a time investment to read the archive and get caught up! I came across it quite by accident, searching for hat block makers for work.

Because Ms. DePrada's blog is currently quite active, i created a syndicated feed so that other LiveJournal users might add her to their Friends Lists:

hats, artisanship focus, millinery, links

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