Projects: Millinery class finals!

Apr 26, 2007 14:36

My class has done some wonderful stuff for their final projects!

M. Spencer Henderson did these lime-green dreadlocks rigged for a quick-change.

These two hats are by Jacki Blakeney.
The brim of the hat on the right was blocked on a yoga ball.
The hat on the left was made from a felt cartwheel.

back view

Grier Coleman made this modern take on the bonnet, based on this couture image:

Amanda Phillips models her felt cloche.

Emily Mason created this silk drawn spoon bonnet.

Daniel Weger had to sculpt his own crown tolliker in order to block this
Panama-inspired straw hat from an unsized cartwheel.

What does that mean?

Here you can see the Poly Block we owned. The general idea is, soak your straw body and pull it over the block; when it dries, it'll have assumed the form of the block. Poly Blocks like this one can be pinned into for shaping, but another way of getting the depression in a crown like this one is to use a molded piece which, according to a fin de siecle resource by haberdasher Henry Ermatinger, is called a "tolliker." Daniel sculpted the one above from Sculpy polymer clay, embetting a handle for ease of manipulation, and ventilating it with airholes (indicated by red arrows) to speed the blocking process.

I hope you enjoyed this overview of my class' final projects.

I've got the final installment of the 1830s wig/bonnet project coming up soon, and then i'm off to the Utah Shakespearean Festival, where i'll be giving you a behind-the-scenes look at the craftwork in their 2007 summer season!

class: millinery, hats, millinery, projects

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