Millinery Trim Giveaway winners announced!

Feb 02, 2015 15:16

The millinery trim giveaway has closed, and winners have been chosen by the magic randomizer! (By which i mean, the computerized randomizer.)

I have to admit, it has been so exciting this past week seeing all the new "likes" coming in from milliners and craftspeople whose work is new to me! So many interesting Etsy shops and blogs and retailers and designers and costume students and....i could just keep going.

But, without further ado, our four winners are:
  1. Kelly Formaldehyde of MsFormaldehyde
  2. Brenda Grantland of Hatatorium and the Hatatorium Emporium
  3. Dannielle Kukar of FeatherHeart
  4. Jordana Robinson of Mossbadger Fashion Design
Congratulations, y'all, and I will get these packed up and sent out, hopefully by the end of the week.

Thank you so much to all of you who entered, and I hope you hang around as part of the La Bricoleuse readership! Plus, I had such a fantastic response to this that I've got THREE more awesome giveaway ideas percolating, details TBA once i get this one all packed up and shipped out!


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