While in New York this summer, i also got a chance to check out the
NYC Makers exhibit at the Museum of Art and Design, running through October 12, 2014. The exhibit spotlights 100 "Makers" throughout NYC's 5 boroughs, creators of all different types of art and creatively-designed products.
It spans two floors of the museum and extends also into the stairwells and elevator spaces, and really, you name it, and it's represented--art, fashion, food, hand tools, horticulture, nightclub design, even scratch-and-sniff wallpaper (no really). I'll admit it though, i went because among the featured makers were milliners and costume production artist Sally Ann Parsons, for whom i have worked in past summers.
Here are some pix from the exhibit of some of my favorite pieces.
Two costumes for King Arthur's Camelot by the Cincinnati Ballet,
designed by Sandra Woodall and made by Sally Ann Parsons/
Parsons-Meares, Ltd.(Right: hat by millinery Harriet Rosebud)
Detail of costume surface design.
Detail of costume surface design.
3D printed, butane-fueled mechanical candelabrum for Glass Menagerie
with flames that gutter on-cue, by
J&M Special Effects Parasol Skeleton Hat by designer
Heidilee Admission to the museum is $16, $14 for seniors and $12 for students. If you find yourself at the southern end of Central Park with time to kill, go check it out!