MFA graduates' capstone projects: Part One of Two

May 02, 2014 13:14

We had FOUR students present their final creative draping capstone projects recently, and i've got some fun photos to share. This project is the final one of their graduate career--it's got to be something with significant structural/material challenges, and they really run the gamut.

See the dress on the right, the fancy-dress fan costume?
This was the research image that Adrienne Corral (MFA '14) proposed for her capstone project.

Front view of Adrienne's project.

The fan mechanism of the skirt in action. Fun stuff!
Adrienne used aluminum slats for the staves of the fan structure in the skirt.

Candy McClernan (MFA '14) went in a completely different direction with her project,
creating this 10'-tall stilt-walker Ent costume, modeled here by her husband Bill.

Here's Candy with the Ent for scale. He's made from carved reticulated foam,
and inside his legs are 2' drywall stilts.

Here you can see some of the texture of the "bark", as well as an oblique view of his branch structure.
The branches are all supported on an aluminum backpack frame inside the torso.
The wearer gets inside through a center front zipper, which is hidden by the beard-moss.

I've got two more projects from two more graduates to share in a second post yet to come. Congratulations, Adrienne and Candy!

masks, thesis projects

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