I'm super-busy right now (two shows starting tech concurrently this week), so i apologize for the present lack of content. I promise that a full write-up of the event i costumed last weekend will pop up as soon as i can go through the photos from all the various photographers who were in-residence. There's a rumor that two of my costumes will be on the cover of
Chapel Hill Magazine's next issue, which would be exciting.
For now though, I'd like to direct your attention to a wonderfully thorough step-by-step projet overview page on
building a giant robot costume, written by Kevin Kelm. The project is wonderfully multi-faceted, incorporating stiltwalking, LED electronics, miniature puppetry, trigger/"tendon"-operated macrogloves, and skinning of foam structures with casting latex, and Mr Kelm has documented his construction methods wonderfully. Check it out!