Back to a fandom-only journal

Apr 15, 2008 17:33

All right, so it was a bad idea to use his both for fandom and my published and to be published works (Not that I did use this journal anyway).
This will be my fandom journal and my "official" stuff will be over at gestern_noch. This journal will contain only my HP art posts, my thoughts about HP stuff, the occasional rec, what have you. The other journal will contain my daily comic blog in English, sketches, comics in English, news on published and rejected stuff, that sort of thing. Also the "official" journal will not link to this one, because I'd like to keep the chances of anyone finding my fandom stuff at minimum.
The daily comic blog in German will remain where it is (on Blogger), my sketches will also be posted in my German group sketchblog, the short comics I do at random for fun... well, I guess I'll figure out where to put them on my website.
I don't know when this plan will become technically active... I hope soon because I'm sick of being a slacker! *g*
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