Feb 07, 2003 12:45
Snow day! YAY!
I was all worried this morning...got up at 6:30, saw the snow and was like, uh-uh, NOT driving in this. but Marist didn't cancel until around 7:30, so I stayed up for that hour. Then I couldn't get back to sleep. But finally I did and slept until 11:30 so its all good :)
Did anyone see the special on Michael Jackson last night? I honestly felt bad for him. I don't think he's this child molesting freak that people make him out to be. I mean, he is freaky looking, and he's done some weird ass things and he's not exactly normal.... His kids wear masks because he wants to protect them, which is what a lot of celebrities do. He's white because he has a medical condition. I don't know, I guess I just felt bad that he had such a shitty childhood and people are always ragging on him. He's done amazing things in his life, and people should quit focusing on the negative, and realize what the man did for music.