Mar 27, 2007 11:15
Danielle and I ran out to the Harnett County Animal Control building yesterday and rescued two adorable and very sweet puppies. We're naming them Gypsy and Carly. There were two to four other puppies we wanted to rescue but they were not yet up for adoption and I'm pretty upset about it. They have the policy of holding every dog for 72 hours before letting someone adopt it, in case the owner comes by to claim it, even if it is an owner surrendered animal. They also have the policy of closing to the public on Wednesday to do euthanasia of any animal not adopted. So, if, like these puppies, they were dropped off Sunday morning, their 72 hour waiting period ends Wednesday morning. And they're adoptable but still there, so they would simply be put to sleep. Long story short, I convinced the girl to let me in at 8:00 AM Wednesday morning to adopt them.
Things have been going well though. I've been mildly social with my roommates lately with watching movies and making cookies and rescuing dogs. Work and school are still keeping me busy. I haven't been playing much WoW lately and when I have it's been on alts mostly with Cat and/or Guen. I haven't seemed able to get back into raiding again with Corinthia, and it's a shame because if I had stayed with it into TBC, I'd have comparable gear to other tanks, if not better. As it is, the liklihood of someone letting me into a run in a tanking position is slim as I'm not as geared as someone who has been there for weeks..
Oh well. Dogs and friends and school are more important I suppose. What friends I see, I suppose. I feel like I've unintentionally put a distance between myself and some of the guys at State. And I'm not sure how to go about fixing that.