Jun 12, 2010 22:17
Day 3 + 4:
These two days we continued our basic routine of bringing Ariana inside her stall, grooming her, and turning circles. We were surprised on Wednesday (Day 3) that when she saw us coming she ran and put herself in the stall, ready for attention.
We did a lot of patting her down, jumping up and down next to her while putting weight on her with our hands and arms. Afterward we'd turn her in circles, pat her down some more, and then turn her out for the night.
Day 5:
Friday, it was business as usual with grooming and circles and jumping up and down. But after turning a few circles I added a simple surcingle (think of a belt for a horse that goes all the way around their belly and behind its shoulders. I threw it all over her, rubbing her down with it to desensitize her (though she was extremely quiet for the whole process as if to say it was unnecessary).
James helped me by walking her in circles in the stall while I held the surcingle in place (not wanting to buckle it on the first time in case she spooked. She walked around like such a champ that in this first session I was able to buckle it on and have her circle without a problem.
Day 6:
Today, James and I carried a saddle pad out with the surcingle to visit Ariana. James is learning the training process as we go so I let him hold Ariana and turn her in circles during the stall training. It's a very good exercise in communication and reading a horse's signals and he's doing well. He turned her in several circles as a warm up before we added the surcingle. I buckled it right away and we had her walk and she did so without more than one little hitch in her step.
Once it was clear she was 100% fine with the surcingle, I put the saddle pad on her back and draped my arm over it, patting her down heavily on both sides, making lots of noises on the pad. She took a few hesitant steps before she realized the pad wasn't going to bite her and then she settled nicely. I attached the pad by putting the surcingle over it and holding the buckle with my hand (again in case she spooked, so I could remove it quickly). She didn't spook, and after a few turns I buckled the surcingle. She strode around wearing the saddle pad and surcingle and it became quite clear that it would be no time at all until we have her wearing a full saddle.
She's such a smart girl.