(no subject)

Aug 26, 2006 14:32

After the 2nd night of no sleep due to Harmony's leaky bum Ryan took her to the vet today. Eighty some dollars later and she seems to be doing better. And I guess we've been giving her too many treats because she's gained 1 1/2 lbs since we've gotten her, and the vet thinks she's getting too chunky. I should get better at walking her more, that way both of us can slim down, lol. =)

And I forgot to mention earlier this week that my parents' new place is beautiful. You'd never know it's a modular home. It's very open and spacious and has a great view of the lake. It's so strange that after going up to the tiny, run down cottage all my life, there's now a beautiful home in its place. Also, my parents are still fighting, but they're not talking about divorce and things look like they'll improve with time. My mom got a job at a tanning salon. It's part-time, for minimum wage and 30min away. The only reason she took it is because of her fighting with dad. The gas she spends will eat up her check. She's been applying for other jobs, but there's not much up there and nothing pays well.
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