Doggy update...

Aug 25, 2006 06:20

So remember Well, Ryan and I had given up hope on her because the rescue hadn't contacted us and it's been about 6 weeks now. But the foster mom called yesterday (actually it's the same foster mom that had Harmony). We're playing phone tag right now, but hopefully we'll be able to set up a meeting asap, so that we can see if Corkie and Harmony get along. If we get her we have to come up with a better name though. Any suggestions?

I'm suprised I'm still excited about a new dog after the night I had. I came home from work yesterday to see that Harmony had gotten into the trash, and had diarrhea. All night she woke me up every 2 hours to go outside, and I had to be at work at 6 this morning. I was a little nervous to leave her, but she was drinking and eating still and acted very energetic and playfull, not sick at all. I locked her in the kitchen though with her dog bed and blanket, to minimize any cleaning when I get home.

I just finished Miracle in the Andes by Nando Parrado. It's about the Uruguayan rugby team, whose flight crashed into the Andes. It's excellent. Parrado is one of the survivors and gives his own account, describing the emotional journey they went through. Some parts are hard to read (i was on the verge of tears at work yesterday as i read it), but it's fascinating. Next I think I'm going to read The Color of Water, which Kim lent me.
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