(no subject)

Nov 01, 2005 20:50

well i'm more upset now then when i was this morning. so be it. i hate myself, i hate this world, and i hate that i did nothing to diserve such pain. i was thinking yesterday that mayb i should just act bitchy so that i won't b shocked when ppl r cruel to me. oh well, wtf ever. i'm not going to stop being a good person b/c certain ppl want to use me and then act like shit never fucking happened. and some ppl just don't care about ne 1 but themselves, that is the complete opposite of my nature. fuck that. i don't care ne more. i suppose my only purpose i now have is to be kind like always and fucking go home and cry bout being all alone w/ no 1 to return my kindness. so fuck u world! i'm just not going to tell ppl my feelings so that i can spare myself.
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