You're a girl right?

Feb 25, 2007 22:38

Someone actually asked me that once. It was a boy I really really liked, and he wanted me to proofread his love letter to a cheerleader.
He's probably a successful independent filmmaker just about to make it big now. I want to write him and say- but I thought you were funny when you had dandruff in your eyebrows. My husband may not approve.

I don't have a problem being one of the guys so to speak. Strictly defined gender roles have never been an issue for me.
And yet, from time to time more than one of my male friends has 'forgotten' that I do in fact like the same sci-fi/thriller/horror flicks they do. Typically this happens when they find themselves a mate who does not always (or in some cases never) enjoy that genre of film.
So I get stuck repeating my near fanatical avoidance of romantic comedies.
Trips to the video place for movies rented for two or more couples inevitably lead to disappointment on my part. I cannot describe in mere words how much I never want to see 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' or 'Failure to Launch'. Couldn't we watch something about a serial killer instead. It would literally be less painful for me.
I'm happy for my guy friends - and I have become very good friends with their wives/girlfriends, but I will not necessarily ever be able to go to the movies with them.
I'm so grateful for my geek female friends. You know who you are, ladies. Thanks.
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