Seeking Song Advice

Nov 10, 2005 22:56

In Search of Book 21...

For some years, I've been working on a song list for the Iliad, that is, a set of songs that might be appropriate for vidding, were there decent footage to vid. I've been doing one song per book (with some books omitted).

I'm currently looking for a replacement song for Book 21. Book 21 has Achilles, having lost Patroclus, on the rampage against the Trojans. It's the book before he kills Hector and includes his speech on killing Hector's brother, Lycaon. In this speech, he discusses how they're all going to die there, Achilles himself included.

The song I have now is "Pull Me Under" by Dream Theater (I believe), and I like the sound and idea of it--but the darn thing is a Hamlet song. It's one long paraphrase of Hamlet, and that makes it very distracting to look at in an Iliad context.

What I need for this book is a strong rock song (with singers singing not screaming) and words appropriate to rage, self-destructiveness, suicide, and/or vengeance. "Pull Me Under" is, in fact, a good model; I just need something less Hamlety.

Suggestions are very welcome!!


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